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Creating and Managing Clients
Creating and Managing Clients
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

Clients are where you store all your data on your clients.

Note: Before manually creating clients, please be aware you can import all of your existing clients from your accounting software if it integrates with GeoOp. You can see which accounting platforms integrate with GeoOp here.

How to Create New Clients

Adding new Clients is straightforward, however a few things to consider regarding certain fields:

  • Code is purely used as a reference for CSV imports, so that data can be matched, this is mandatory.

  • Bill-To-Other : Here you can choose to add another Client record you want to invoice to. Some users create client records for multiple 'sites' of 1 particular company where they do the work, & at this point would use this option to bill to the head office record of that company.

  • Business Type is an optional field for your own records. You can add types & they will be saved to the drop-down menu for re-use on other clients records.

  • Lead Source is another field that is for your optional use only.

  • Physical Address is very important - you should always aim to get the address fully accurate for your mapping purposes.

There are three ways to create clients in GeoOp:

  • Add New Client via the Clients Page

  • Add New Client via Creating a Job

  • Importing Clients (via Integration or CSV)

For the first option click on the people icon in the navigation bar and then select 'clients'. Once on the Clients page click 'Add Client' as shown below.

To create a new client whilst creating a new job, click on the + symbol next to client name and then you can create a new client as you’re creating a job for them, to help save a bit of time.

Lastly you can also import your clients either via integration (read more here) or via csv import (read more here).

How to Merge 2 Clients together

Important: It is not possible to "unmerge" to clients once you have merged them, so make sure to pay careful attention when using this feature.

To merge Clients in GeoOp, simply navigate to Clients > Client List. Select 2 Clients from your list (you cannot merge more than 2 at one time) via the check boxes to the left of the columns. Then click the 'Selected' actions button at the top-left of the Client List.

From here, simply select which fields you would like to take to the merged record. When done, click Merge.

Top Tips

  • Only fields with data in from at least one Client will display.

  • Please pay careful attention to the Client Code field, if it is present & relevant. If you update Client records via import this will need to stay accurate.

  • Below the fields list we have provided a current Job count. This is for reference only, to help you identify the primary record (in case data details are similar or identical). However all Jobs on both Clients will be present on the new final merged record.

How to Manage your Clients

Your clients can be managed on an ongoing basis through the Clients page. From here you will be able to select a client and see all of the Details, Jobs, Messages and other relevant history for that client.

Simply head the people icon in the navigation bar, select 'Clients' and then select the client you wish to manage. You can also use the quick action buttons to create a new job for this client or create an invoice.

To learn more about Job Share and Job Share Plus options click here.

How to Message your Clients

To send a message go to either the Job or Client page simply head to the relevant Job or Client and in the top right-hand corner you'll see a drop down labelled Send Message. Here you can select whether you wish to send an email, SMS or both.

From here you can elect where you want to send the message (email address, phone number), including adding additional email address or phone numbers.

Your message will send from the email address that is elected in your account settings. The SMS will always be sent by a random phone number (the numbers of our SMS provider). You can then elect a subject and message and hit send.

Deleting your Clients

To delete a client, you can do this by going to the clients list and searching for the client or clients you wish to delete. You can then use the checkbox to the left of the clients name followed by 'Select' > 'Delete Client'.

Please note: It is not possible to undelete or unarchive a client once you have deleted it, so please be careful when using this feature.

Alternitvely if you want to delete of all your clients, you can do this by going to your data mangement page and using the "Delete All Clients" functionality at the bottom of the page.

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