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Glossary of terms

A summary of some commonly used terms within the GeoOp product

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Written by Product Team
Updated over 7 months ago

GeoOp Glossary

Our glossary is a good place to get started learning GeoOp terms and understanding how they relate to key areas of the program. This will provide insights into how GeoOp works and help you set up and use GeoOp in the most efficient way.


An Account in GeoOp refers to your Company Account. Your account will be on a specific pricing plan (Starter or Unlimited) as per our pricing page. If you wish to upgrade your plan you can do this under your Profile Avatar > Subscription and Billing. You must be logged in as an Admin-level user to view these settings. For account downgrades, please reach out to our friendly support team.


An Actual refers to the type of Charge you add to a job. For both Labour and Parts you can choose between it being an 'Actual' or a 'Quoted' charge. You can distinguish between Actual and Quoted charges by the icon - Actual charges will be coloured and Quoted charges will be greyed out. The purpose of Quoted vs. Actuals is so that you can report on what was quoted compared with what you actually ended up with. See articles on Quoting for further details.


An Administrator is a user of GeoOp who has the permission 'Admin'. At least 1 user on the account must be an Admin and there is no limit to the number of Admins you can have. 'Admins' have full access to all functionality within GeoOp. See Staff Roles & Permissions for further details.


GeoOp offers an open API for your own custom integrations. Documentation for our API can be found here: GeoOp API Documentation

Billing Client

A billing client is an additional client that you can attach to a Job for billing purposes. This will work in conjunction with your Accounting software to ensure the correct person or company is listed on the invoice. This can be turned on from Settings > Extra Features. See Separate Billing Clients / Multiple Client Sites for further details.


When adding parts or time as Charge items on Jobs, these can be ticked as 'Billable' which marks them as for invoicing. Billable items can be either quoted or actuals.


Bookings are housed under Jobs and contain information about the date and time/duration, as well as any Staff members attached to the Booking. A single Job can have multiple Bookings under it. If a Booking has a date/time but no Staff members assigned, it is known as an Unassigned Booking.

Business Type

This is a free text field on the Client records. It can be entered as required.


Refers to the GeoOp Scheduling Calendar where you can perform Job assignment and Staff management. See Scheduling Jobs for further details. GeoOp does not currently have external Calendar integration.


A Client is the same as a customer, and the 2 phrases can be used in conjunction.. See Adding Clients for further details.

Client Import

You can import Clients in a number of ways, either through some Integrations or via a CSV import. See Adding Clients for further details.


Code refers to a Client field that is purely used as a reference for CSV imports, so that data can be matched. This field is not mandatory.


Company in GeoOp refers to the Company name of your client. You can add a company name to any client by going to Clients > Selecting the client.

Copying Jobs

You can copy a Job, either for instant use or to save as a template. See Copying Jobs & Job Templates for further details.


Our team can develop custom features in GeoOp at affordable rates, or provide you with API access for integration with other web applications or your own in-house systems. Please send us an email detailing your requirements by clicking here.


Device is a generic term used for mobile phones and tablets, as often our information doesn't relate specifically to one type.


Files in GeoOp in part relates to a set of additions to notes that you can create on mobile apps. These include signatures, photos and audio files. In addition, PDFs can be created via the mobile app (for quotes etc), and other files can be loaded to Jobs via both the website and mobile applications. See Job Notes and Documents for further details.


On GeoOp you have many different ways of communicating with Clients and Staff, and can easily email to one or many directly from the program, or from your mobile devices. See Job Messaging for further details.


Is one of the three default Staff Roles set up in GeoOp, providing a suggested Permission setting for most of your workers that would be assigned to Jobs. There are also default Staff Roles for 'Administrator' and 'Contractor', though all in effect could be assigned to work on a Job. See Staff Roles & Permissions for further details.


Currently you can export Client data out of GeoOp. See Importing, Exporting and Deleting Data for further details.

Feature Requests

If you have a request for a particular new feature you'd like to see in GeoOp, please submit a new idea or vote on an existing idea here. We'll review all requests as we go and are very keen to hear your needs for future development prioritisation.

Geo Mapping

This refers to our mapping services, which compromises both mapping your location via your mobile devices and of course a Job location. These are used together in a variety of ways to provide helpful services throughout GeoOp, including basic maps and directions on the mobile apps, to monitoring Staff locations in the central office for security and Job assignment via the GeoMap. See our articles on GeoMap and GPS Mapping for further details.


GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking is the method by which GeoOp finds locations of users through their mobile devices. Settings on mobile devices can be tailored to define how you would like GeoOp to use GPS with your business. See our articles on GeoMap for further details.


You can import Clients and Parts lists into GeoOp, either through Integrations or via CSV files. See Managing Integrations for further details.


Integrations are pre-defined links between one program and another, to enable data sharing and communication for key tasks. GeoOp Integrations perform a number of useful tasks. The main Integrations provided at present are with Xero, Freshbooks and Unleashed. See Managing Integrations for further details.


Inventory in GeoOp is managed under the more generic term of Parts. See Managing Parts in GeoOp for further details.


Invoicing from GeoOp can either be managed through an integrated accounting system such as Freshbooks or Xero, or by CSV export to your own accounting systems. When adding parts or time as Charge items on Jobs, these can be marked as 'Billable' which marks them as for invoicing. See Invoicing Overview for further details.


A Job in GeoOp is the central point of the system. Clients are attached to the Job, and the Job can have extra details, Parts, Labour Charges, Notes, Files etc. A Job can be copied and re-used repeatedly, saved as a template or set up as a recurrence, to save admin time. See Managing Jobs in GeoOp for further details.

Note: A Job does not necessarily have to have a date, time, or Staff members attached to it. This is done by creating Bookings (see below). If a Job doesn't have any Bookings under it, it is known as an Unscheduled Job.

Job Reference

This is a unique reference number or code used to identify each Job, which is also used as the Invoice number. It can be defined in Settings as required, or else will be assigned a number by GeoOp when the new Job is saved. See the section on Invoice Numbering in our Invoicing article for further details.

Job Status

Job Statuses are progress tags that you can use to filter and sort Jobs in a variety of ways throughout the Job management process. See Job Status for further details.

Job Template

A Job Template can be used to create Jobs with the same information, or to create recurring Jobs. You can read more about Job Templates here.

Labour Charge Rates

Labour Charges are assigned to Staff, and can also be restricted for use to specific Clients, for selection on jobs by mobile Staff. Rates can be set up for varying activities Staff might charge for, and are chosen for each time/labour charge a Staff member adds to a Job. See Managing your Labour Charges for further details.

Lead Source

This is a free text field on the Client records. It can be entered as required.


See Profit & Profit Margin


Message records can be viewed on the website on any Client, Staff or Job records. These records will show all sent/received email and text messages relevant to them. From the individual records you can also send messages, via email or text. Additional message types include notifications, which are automatic Job change notifications sent through to Staff member's mobile apps.

Mobile Staff

Mobile Staff is a broad term used in these support pages, to refer to any Staff member using the GeoOp application on a Job.


Notes in GeoOp is quite a broad term as the types of notes you can create on a Job are many. When a Job is created you firstly have a description field, which is in effect an initial note for recording all further details your Staff member needs to know. When on a Job, a Staff member can create a note via the Notes tab, which can include signatures, photos and audio files. All will be viewable in the Notes and Files records of a Job for future reference. See Adding Documents & Notes to Jobs for further details.


Key changes you make to Jobs (changing Job assignments, times, dates etc), either in the Scheduler or elsewhere in GeoOp, will automatically create Notifications to the Staff members concerned through GeoOp on their mobile devices. Any changes made that do not create Notifications will still be updated in real time to the Job record itself on their devices, so they will always have access to the latest information.

Overview (Job)

The Overview tab provides a list of recent actions on your account, which is filterable in a number of ways. It also provides links to the latest GeoOp blog updates, and will be a space for new developments in the future.


Parts, also often called inventory, can be imported into GeoOp through an Integration with an inventory management service like Unleashed, imported from CSV lists, or created directly in GeoOp. See Managing Parts in GeoOp for further details.


Staff Permissions are key to managing Staff access and your data security in GeoOp, and should be given due attention when adding new Staff to GeoOp. See Staff Roles & Permissions for further details.

Profit & Profit Margin

Profit and profit margins can be viewed on each item line in a Job's Parts and Labour list. A summary for the Job can be viewed below the list. Note: The profit margin is the gross profit margin. This is calculated as below:

To find the profit margin percentage based on the sales price vs cost: ((sales price - cost) / sales price) * 100. For example, if the sales price for a part is $71.43 and the cost is $50, the margin percentage would be 30%.

To work out the sales price by adding a cost and a margin percentage: cost / (1 - (margin / 100)). Using the example above, if the cost of a part is $50 and you enter a gross profit margin of 30%, the sales price would work out to be $71.43.

Quoted items

Quoted (as opposed Actual) is a term to differentiate items as being included on a Client's quote, if quoting has been enabled by an account Administrator. Quoted items can also be Invoiceable, and can be either Time/Labour or Parts items. A quoted Charge item will have a grey icon to identify it (as opposed to a colour icon for Actuals). Actuals can then be added against your quoted items, for Job costings benefits. See our article on Quoting for further details.

Recurring Job

Recurring Jobs work in the same way as recurring meetings on programs like Microsoft Outlook, and can be set off Job templates. See Recurring Jobs for further details.


Reporting in GeoOp is currently limited, but in development for a range of useful improvements and reporting options. See Job Reporting for the latest details.


The Scheduler is the main tool in GeoOp to help you manage and assign Jobs to Staff. It shows your Jobs in a visual workspace like a calendar, and can be customised is different ways. See Scheduling Jobs for further details.


Generally refers to Company Settings editable through the website with Admin-level user access, or mobile Staff settings as available on the mobile app. Read more about GeoOp Settings here.


A site is a common term for the location of a Job. At present GeoOp does not directly support multiple sites on each single Job, however this is due to be reviewed and updates on this will be posted as appropriate. However there is currently still some provision for dealing with multiple sites. See Separate Billing Clients / Multiple Client Sites for further details.


A Staff member refers to any user that you have added to GeoOp. Each active user takes up 1 licence. Staff can also be referred to as Users or Employees. See Adding Staff for further details.

Staff Roles

Staff Roles are used to manage permissions within GeoOp. Each Staff Role then has a list of permissions against it. Each staff member or user in the system must be assigned a Staff Role. This assigned role then determines the staff members permissions and what they can and cant do or see in GeoOp. See Staff Roles & Permissions for further details.


Your subscription represents your chosen GeoOp plan, which is charged per licence on the account and can be paid either Monthly or Annually. See Subscription and Payment for more details.

Tax Codes

Also called COA (Chart of Accounts), Charge Codes or Tax Rates. These are the default tax rates you add to GeoOp that are then applied against all of your Parts and Labour charges. You can also set a default rate, that will be applied to any items who are missing their own set tax rate. See Managing Tax Rates for further details.


Also called SMS. You can use GeoOp to send SMS to your clients and your staff as well as other custom phone numbers. SMS are the most effective way to contact your clients as they have the highest open and response rates. GeoOp charges per SMS and charge rates vary per country. You can read more in our SMS article.


A user is any Staff member refers to any user that you have added to GeoOp. Each active user takes up 1 licence. Users can also be referred to as Staff or Employees.


A Workgroup is a group you can create and add your staff to with a particular common purpose, such as location (eg 'North Sydney'), skill set, experience, or whatever your business requirements are. You can then use these workgroups to filter your staff in various parts of GeoOp, such as the schedule, adding bookings and the staff list. See Creating Workgroups for further details.

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