GeoOp allows you to generate a csv file, listing all SMS that have been sent from your account over a period of time.
To generate an SMS report extract, the account admin needs to follow these steps:
Login to GeoOp as admin
Head to the Settings page and click on the Messaging tabs
Scroll down to the "Usage Report: Text Messages (SMS)" and select the date range you want to export SMS for.
Please note that you can only export 3 months worth of data at a time.
Click Generate & Download Report
You're all set! A csv file has been generated and downloaded to your local machine. You can now open it in Excel for example.
Only SMS that have been successfully delivered are included in that file. You won't be charged for SMS that have not been delivered successfully.
What does the file include?
The csv file generated includes the following information for each text message:
Date & Time Sent
Sent From: First Name and Last Name of the Staff who sent the SMS
Sent To: recipient’s mobile number
Content of the SMS
Job Reference Number (if any): if the SMS relates to a specific job, the job reference number