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The Jobs List
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Written by Product Team
Updated over 5 months ago

Jobs List

The Jobs List is the home of all your jobs and an easy place to filter, sort and find certain jobs. This page is customisable and saveable to suit your default workflow.

For example, if you work in Finance you could filter and save the page to only show Jobs with Status "Waiting for Invoice", ensuring to show the uninvoiced billables total in the table.

You can get to the Jobs List by clicking on the Jobs icon in the navigation bar. The main features of the Job List are detailed below.

The Status filters, Date Range filters, Scheduled / Unschedule filters, Search filters and column sorting all work in conjunction with each other to return the Jobs that you want on the list. Here are some examples:



I want to view only Unscheduled Jobs by the oldest created so that I can schedule in the jobs that have been waiting the longest

  • Set the scheduled/unscheduled filter to 'Unscheduled'

  • Sort the Jobs list by 'Created Date' descending

  • Optional: Filter by a specific status

I want to view all of the Jobs that have not been invoiced yet from this week

  • Set the Date Range filter to the dynamic filter 'This Week'

  • Filter by a specific status that is most relevant for your invoicing

  • Optional: Turn on the column for 'Uninvoiced Charges' so you can see at a glance which jobs still have charges to be invoiced

I want to view all the Completed Jobs in the last 30 days that have a specific billing client.

  • Filter by a specific status Group by click the status colour and then selecting 'All'

  • Set the Dange Range filter to the dynamic filter 'days in the past' and enter 30 in the input field

  • Use the search bar to type in the name or company name of your billing client

Job List Default View

The first feature to mention is the "Save Default View". This can be found by going to the three dots at the top right corner of the Job List. Selecting this will allow you to save the columns, filters and sorting that you currently have applied to the page.

Next time you return to the Jobs List your saved view will be remembered. We've mentioned this feature first, because it can be applied to all of the other features mentioned below.

Status Filters

Your Status filters can be found in the colour boxes across the top of your jobs list. These filters are coloured in the 4 available status colours as mentioned in our article on Job Status Management.

At a glance, you will be able to see how many Jobs fall under each status colour. When you click on the status you will be able to see the breakdown of those Job numbers by sub-status. You can either choose to filter by a sub-status or by "All" statuses of that colour.

Top Tips

  • Status Filters work in conjunction with all the other filters. So if you arent seeing any Jobs for a particular status but you know they exist, try adjusting your date range or scheduled/unscheduled filters.

  • The count you see next to each status colour is also only a count of all Jobs that match the rest of your filters as well. So if the count doesn't look correct, try adjusting your date range or scheduled/unscheduled filters

  • You can bulk update your Jobs Statuses by selecting the checkbox next to the applicable jobs and then using the Update dropdown

  • Don't forget to "save default view" under the ... (three dots) menu if you want that status filter to be always selected by default

Date Range Filters

The Jobs List displays jobs based on the Jobs Start Date, this date is based off the Jobs next booking. There are 3 main ways that you can filter using the Date Range filter:

  • Manual Date Range - e.g. from 3rd August to 20th August

    • To use this filter navigate to the date you wish to be at the start of the range and select the first date, then navigate to the end date and select the date. Then click apply.

    • If you save your default view, every time you log in you will see Jobs that fall within the 3rd of August to the 20th of August

    • There is no limit on the date range you can input when inputting a manual date range.

    • Top tip: You can use the Month and Year drop downs to navigate to different dates faster than using the arrows.

  • Dynamic Default Range - 'Today', 'This Week', 'This Month'

    • If you save your default view, every time you log in you will see jobs from the relevant range. For example if you choose 'Today', each day you log in you will on see jobs from the current day. If you choose Month, you would only see jobs from the current Month

  • Dynamic Days Range - e.g. -7 days, + 14 days

    • If you save your default view with this then each day you log in you will see jobs from the set range, this means the range will move as your days move. By default we set this to - 3 months, + 1 week.

    • The days in the past filter has a maximum range of 9999 days.

Top Tips

  • Don't forget to "save default view" under the ... (three dots) menu if you want that date range to be always selected by default

Scheduled / Unscheduled Filters

This filter allows you to filter by scheduled and unscheduled jobs. By default, we set this to "All", meaning you'll see both scheduled and unscheduled.

Unscheduled Jobs are defined as jobs that don't have any bookings yet.

Column Customisation

You can customise the columns that appear in your own Jobs List table. This means you can remove information that isn't relevant for you and add in the things that are! You can do this by hovering over any of the headers in the table and clicking on the three dots, there will be an option called 'Show columns' shown below. Simply check and uncheck the toggles against each available column header that you think apply best for your workflow.

The following columns are available for selection: Job Reference Number, Order Number, Status, Priority, Job Details, Client Details, Job Address, Created Date, Start Date, Completed Date, # Labour & Parts, # Notes & Documents, # Messages, Unpaid Charges, Paid Charges, Profit Margin, Uninvoiced Charges and Bookings.

Top Tips

  • Don't forget to "save default view" under the ... (three dots) menu if you want these columns to be always showing

  • You can click and drag the column headers to rearrange them

  • You can click and drag on the divider bar between the columns to change the width of those columns

Sorting the Jobs List

The Jobs List can be sorted by the following columns: Job Reference Number #, Order Number #, Status, Priority, Job Details, Client Name, Job Address, Created Date and Start Date, # Labour and Parts and # Notes & Documents.

You can choose which column you want to sort by, by hovering over the column header and clicking the arrow (up or down). Click the arrow a second time if you wish to sort the column in the opposite order. Depending on the column you are trying to sort by, it may be more appropriate to sort ascending or descending.

We recommend saving your default view after selecting the way you wish to sort the Jobs List by going to the three dots in the top right corner and clicking "Save Default View"

Search Functionality

At the top of the Jobs List page you will find a search box. This allows you to search for jobs by the following fields

  • Status Colour e.g. Green, Orange, Red, Grey

  • Job Title

  • Job Reference

  • Client Name, Number, Company, Email

  • Job Address

Bulk Update Jobs

You can bulk update multiple Jobs statuses or priorities at once in the Jobs List. Simply select the checkbox of those jobs you want to update and a dropdown box will appear at the top of the page. In that box you will be able to select the status or priority you want to update the selected jobs too.

You can also use this functionality to bulk delete jobs by clicking on the rubbish bin after making your selection.

You can bulk update a maximum of 60 jobs at any one time.

Jobs List FAQS

How can I search for old jobs?

In order to search for old jobs, you can use the manual date selection in the calendar or set the "days in the past" dynamic filter to the number of days back you would like to search - this is limited to 9999 days. Using the manual date filter there is no restriction to the time period you can search for. To use the manual date filter navigate the calendar to the date at the start of the range and select this date in the calendar, then navigate to the end date and select this date in the calendar. Then click apply. This will apply for the full range in between the dates you selected.

Can I export Jobs from the Jobs List?

Currently it is not possible to export jobs using the jobs list. However you can export your jobs by going to the Jobs List > click the 3 dots (top right) > Export Jobs. Here you can find various settings and date ranges for exporting your jobs.

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