The Map available in the GeoOp mobile app allows you to easily get an overview of all your jobs by location and plan your route ahead.
View all your jobs and plan your day
With the Map, you can get an overview of all the jobs assigned to you by day in seconds. Simply click on the Map icon in the bottom navigation menu to access it.
View your team's jobs and coordinate the work
To view jobs assigned to your team, first make sure that your GeoOp administrator granted you the permission called "Access Visits".
Under the "View Bookings" of the filter screen, you can either tick "Everyone" or use the "By staff" selector to pick which staff you want to be added to the map. Once done, all the jobs assigned to the selected staff will be displayed on the map. Their avatar will be displayed to easily identify which jobs is assigned to who.
View all Unassigned jobs and pick the closest ones
To view jobs assigned to your team, first make sure that your GeoOp administrator granted you the permission called "View unassigned Jobs".
Under the "View Bookings" of the filter screen, check the "Unassigned" option. Once done, all the unassigned jobs will be displayed on the map. A ? avatar will be displayed to easily identify the unassigned jobs.
View Unscheduled jobs
Unscheduled jobs are jobs that do not have any bookings on them yet. If your team works in a way where you can pick up nearby jobs or with urgent dispatch you can turn on the unscheduled jobs feature to see unscheduled jobs on the map. This is a great way to see if there are any other jobs nearby or on your way to another job.
Since there may be many unscheduled jobs on any account, not all unscheduled jobs are shown. You can choose which unscheduled jobs will show based on the last modified date on the job. For example: Show all unscheduled jobs that were modified in the last 7 days.
To turn on unscheduled jobs go to Map > Filters > Unscheduled Jobs toggle.
Route Visualisation
Route visualisation enables you to toggle on a route between all of your future bookings for the day. This is a great way to see at a glance if the route for your day makes sense, or if there are some bookings you could swap in order to stick to the most direct route.
To turn on route visualisation go to Three Dots Menu > Enable Rpute Visualisaiton.
How Route Visualisation works: