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Staff Roles, Permissions & Workgroups
Staff Roles, Permissions & Workgroups
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

This article contains all you need to know about managing your Staff Permissions in GeoOp and how Workgroups work.

This article contains the following:

Staff Roles

What are Staff Roles?

Staff Roles enable you to manage the permissions of each individual user in your GeoOp account. Each Staff member is assigned a Staff Role on creation. Attached to this role is a set of permissions. Depending on your company set up you may only need a few different Roles to manage your staff or you may need many.

Adding and Managing Staff Roles

To manage and add new Staff Roles you need to go to the people icon in the navigation bar and select 'staff'. From here if you head to the three dots in the top right you will see an option for 'Staff Roles' as shown below.

Once in Staff Roles, on the left side of the page you will see a list of all the Staff Roles you currently have. By default your account will have the following: Admin, Employee, Contractor. By clicking on each of these you will be able to see what permissions each role will have access to. You can update these defaults at any time.

You can add new roles if required by selecting the blue 'New Role' button. Once selected you will see a new role appear at the bottom of the list, prompting you to give the role a name.

From here you can then select all of the different permissions that should apply or not apply to that role. Make sure to hit 'Save' in the top right when you are done!

Top Tip

  • When you change the permissions of a role, it will affect the permissions for all users who are assigned that role. Its a good a idea to check which other users will be affected by your permission change before making it.

Assigning Staff Roles to a User

Once you are happy with the Staff Roles you have created, you can change the Staff Role assignment of a user by going to the Staff's profile page and scrolling down to the 'Staff Role' input field. Here you can see a dropdown of all the roles you have created. Simply select the Role you want to assign and click save.


What are Permissions?

Permissions are attached to Staff Roles. They determine what each user attached to that staff role can see or do in GeoOp. For example, you may not want to give your contractors access to see your clients list and only allow them to see their own jobs.

You can find permissions attached your Staff Roles by going to the staff page and clicking on the 3 dots in the top right and selecting 'Staff Roles'

Glossary of Permissions


Enabling this permission gives all possible rights and permissions. It also allows access to the Settings tab.

Edit All Jobs

This allows a role to edit all Jobs in GeoOp. Granting this permission also grants six other sub-permissions, as it would not be possible to edit all Jobs unless you could see all Jobs and the Client list for example.

Create Jobs and Clients

Gives the role the ability to create new Jobs, Clients and edit Clients. Granting this permission also enables the ability to view the Client and Staff list as it would not be possible to create a new Job and allocate it without this information.

View Client List

If this is enabled then the role will be able to view your Clients in GeoOp. If not enabled then they will see no Clients other than the ones that have Jobs assigned to them.

View Staff List

If this is enabled then the role will be able to see all the GeoOp users. If not enabled then the role will only see themselves when they click on the Staff tab.

View All Jobs

This allows the role to see all Jobs in GeoOp not just the ones assigned to them. Ticking this permission auto selects the ‘View Own Jobs’ and ‘View Unallocated Jobs’ permissions. These permissions can be turned off independently so you could have it so a role could see all Jobs but not unassigned ones.

View Self-Created Jobs

This role allows staff to see Jobs they are assigned too.

View Unallocated Jobs

Further to allowing staff to see jobs assigned to them, this allows the role to see unassigned jobs ie; jobs that have been created but have no worker assigned.

Access Notes & Files within a Job

  • View Notes & Files

  • Create, edit and delete Notes & Files

Allows the staff member to create, view, edit and delete notes and fileswith more granular control beneath that

Access Job Details (not inc. Notes & Files)

  • Create, edit and delete job details

  • Access Job Tabs

Allows the staff member to create, view, edit and delete job details with more granular control beneath that

Access Bookings

  • Edit Current and Future Visits

  • Edit Past Visits

  • Assign Visits

Allows the staff member to edit past, current and future job visits as well as assign visits to other staff with more granular control beneath that

Edit All Clients

Allows the role to edit Clients details and add data such as notes.

Edit All Staff

Allows for editing of other GeoOp user accounts.


Allows the role to access the invoice tab on GeoOp online and push Jobs with charge items to Freshbooks or Xero

View Charge Item Values

Users without this permission can't see the prices of charge items, and instead see zeros. Users with this permission and the associated invoicing permission see the full value of chargeable items.

View Sale Price/Rate only

Users with this permission can only see the Sale Price or Rate for Charge Items. If this is unticked, all financial information for Charge items will be visible.

Assignable to Visits

This permission determines whether or not a Staff member with this role can be assigned to visits. If you don't enable this permission then any Staff member with the role won't show up on the Schedule and on the Staff ‘assign to’ drop down (when adding or editing Bookings).

Allow Client Login

This allows for a user to only see details for one particular Client. This permission is key to setting up Client logins to your GeoOp account. See our article on Providing GeoOp access to your Clients for further details.


What are Workgroups?

Workgroups allow your Staff to be grouped and filtered when assigning Jobs.

Staff can be included in as many Workgroups as you wish.

You may want to group Staff by their skills, experience, division or location. You can then use these groups to cross-filter visible Staff on Job assignment or when using the Schedule.

Assigning Workgroups to a User

Workgroups can be created and managed by going to the people icon in the navigation bar and selecting 'Staff'. Once on the staff list you can head to the three dots in the top right and select 'Workgroups' as shown below

From here you can add new workgroups by selecting 'Add Workgroup'. Once you have a workgroup selected you can click on the staff members name to determine which staff will show up within that workgroup

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