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Staff Unavailability
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Written by Product Team
Updated over 6 months ago

Allocating jobs to your staff is a core part of the job, but there’s nothing more annoying than having one or two staff members come back and say they aren’t available right after you’ve just finished creating a new roster. What started out as a simple task quickly becomes a day of back and forth calls and chopping and changing shifts.

Unavailability allows you to schedule and manage your job allocation in relation to your staff’s availability, making it easier for you to assign tasks. Just from your staff entering their unavailable hours into GeoOp, you gain complete visibility into their schedules.

How to set up Unavailability Types

You can manage your unavailability types by going to the people icon the navigation bar and selecting 'Staff'. From here head to the three dots in the top right and you'll find Unavailability as shown below.

From here you will see a list of your unavailability types. By default your account will have Unpaid, Training, Sick, Carer and Annual. You can change these defaults at any time. You can also add new types of unavailability by clicking "Add New". Make sure to hit 'Save' after making any changes.

Note: You can remove Unavailability types by clicking the minus button next to the name. You must always have at least 1 type of unavailability.

Assigning Unavailability via the Schedule

There are a few ways you can show when you’re unavailable to work in GeoOp. One way is via the Schedule page. Simply go to the first icon in your navigation bar and select ‘Schedule’. Then select the blue ‘Add’ button and select ‘Add Leave’.

From there a side panel will appear where you can select your name, the type of leave and the duration of the leave. Clicking ‘Save’ will create the entry and show that you’re unavailable for that select period of time. Once saved, your leave will be visible to everyone on the Schedule page located on the right-hand side panel.

Assigning Unavailability via the Staff Page

Unavailability can also be created from the Staff page. From there click on your staff profile (or the profile of the person you wish to request unavailability for). Next, click on the ‘Unavailability’ tab near the top of the page and then click the green ‘New’ button on the right-hand side. Then choose the type of leave, a description of the leave and the duration by date and time.

Assigning Unavailability via the GeoOp App

Unavailability is also available on the GeoOp mobile app. How you access it varies between IOS and Android devices:

For Android: This is available from the side-bar menu (tapping the G with the three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner). Unavailability can be accessed under the ‘People’ heading on the menu.

For IOS: This is available under Settings in the side-bar menu of the app.

The mobile app on both IOS and Android allows you to create, edit and delete unavailability entries. It does not allow you to create or delete unavailability types, however.

Tapping the + icon in the top right-hand corner will take you to the form where you can create a new unavailability entry. After you enter the staff member, type of leave, description and duration, tap ‘Save’ in the top right-hand corner to complete the entry.

Mobile users are also not able to view all unavailability entries on the Schedule page as you can on the GeoOp desktop version.


Can I set up recurring or repeating unavailability for my staff?

Currently it is not possible to set up unavailability on an automated recurring or repeating schedule. As a workaround it is possible to create a recurring job with a full day booking for that staff member. You can then set this to repeat on a pattern that works for your staff member and it will effectively block them out for that day so that you don't accidently assign them any bookings.

Why isnt unavailability I've added showing up in the schedule?

If you are unable to see unavailability for your staff on the schedule, then you likely have 'show unavabilitiy' toggled off. To toggle this back on, go to the Schedule and click on stop sign icon just above the calendar.

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